Business plans

A quality business plan (business plan) is the basis for the commencement of a new project, business and the basis for negotiations on funding. Business today is unthinkable without the financial instruments to which the Serbian financial market is abundant, and therefore it is indispensable to describe in the plan in detail the current state of the company or its investment project in order to analyze and specify the need for capital from external sources of funding and to perceive expected and projected results of operations in the medium term future.

We provide consulting services in the financial market and the development of all forms of business plans that will help you in the realization of investment undertakings needed to secure the loans and attract current and future partners and associates who will based on your business plan and feasibility studies recognize your potential and opportunities for cooperation . NR has significant experience in developing business plans.  We assisted our clients to prepare quality business plans, investment programs, projections and studies in order to achieve their investment activities. The investment projects were intended for  business entities for decision making, for commercial banks, the Development Fund of the Republic of Serbia, National Employment Service, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Capital Investments, the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development, the Guarantee Fund, donors, leasing companies and similar.